Instructional Design
Online Learning
Using the LMS Google Classroom, I developed a 5-week 2nd-grade Reading course for students with Dyslexia that is a self-paced blended learning course. The purpose of the course is for students to achieve the necessary reading skills to successfully complete Grade 2. There are certain skills a second-grade student must master before they are ready to begin 3rd grade. For that reason, this course is a combination of both outcome-based and competency-based education. While students are participating in a few teacher-led lessons and post-tests, they will also be engaged in a culminating, collaborative project that should encompass all the skills they’ve learned in this course. They will be given a choice as to how to present or voice those ideas, which will allow them to take ownership of their learning, as I facilitate their learning. Each course module contains reading material, videos, discussions, and learning activities that students will be able to work on at their own pace.
Click the video below for an overview of the course and the components of each module.
Google Classroom Link: Grade 2: Reading Unit with Dyslexia
Google Classroom Code: gg7ywql
3 Column Table
Course Outline
Blended Learning Implementation
In order to see my course through and seek feedback, I have fully developed the Getting Started section and the first two modules. In the video, I briefly explain the key components of the course, as well as the learning activities and assessments my learners will engage in. The activities and assessments are designed to help my learners achieve the desired outcomes of the course. My hope is that you will be able to experience what my learners will experience when engaged in the course.​
Usability & Reflection
I shared my 5-week course with four stakeholders: my assistant principal, a Dyslexia Specialist, a 4th-grade reading teacher, and one of my students. They were given full access to the course through the LMS Google Classroom and were given the task of evaluating the content, usability, organization, navigation, and relevance of the Getting Started section and the first two modules. They also completed one of the assignments in the 2nd module. Then, the adults were sent a Course Evaluation Feedback Form through Google Forms to share specific feedback about the course which allowed me to make necessary changes. My student gave her feedback directly to me while navigating the course. Having testers check the usability of my course was super helpful. I was grateful for the feedback and used it to improve my course.