Leading Organization Change
Ileana Reyna ~ Veronica Balli ~ Erika Peña
My Blended Learning Implementation Team and I are examining why people in our organization do what they do, so we can do what it takes to help our organization change their behavior. Why? To harness a culture of learning where teachers are motivated and students are engaged and achieving results at their fullest potential.
We are motivated to create a lasting change in our organization and we will begin by pulling at the heartstrings of our influencers, to inspire them to want to learn more about our Innovation Plan. We will also find the best way to execute our plan and bring about the change we seek within our organization to produce lasting results.
The 4 Disciplines of Execution (4DX)
It is not enough to have a vision, even a well intentioned one like our blended learning Innovation Plan. The third step to leading organization change is finding the best way to execute our plan and bring about the change we seek within our organization. The 4 Disciplines of Execution (4DX) by McChesney, et al., provides a roadmap with a step by step proven strategy that can help execute our innovation plan.
Click below to read more about the strategies we will be applying to execute change.