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  • Writer's pictureIleana Reyna

Blended & Classroom Arrangement

With all the research we've been doing about blended learning, Veronica (my Dyslexia teaching partner), and I have changed our classroom several times. We'll read something in the "Blended" book and come the next day with ideas on how we can change things. As of now (and new this year), our Dyslexia program is incorporating blended learning with the use of Lexia CORE5, an adaptive learning app. We are loving it, however, it doesn't have a collaboration component other than small group instruction with a teacher. This is what is driving us to make changes to our room arrangement. During our research, we learned that students really want some time to "have fun with friends" (Horn & Staker, 2015), so we're trying to find ways to incorporate collaborative grouping. We are still researching and trying to improve the way our class works. One day, it will be exactly as we envisioned.


Horn, M., Staker, H. (2015). Blended: Using disruptive innovation to improve schools. Jossey- Bass A Wiley Brand.

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