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  • Writer's pictureIleana Reyna

Contribution to my Learning & the Learning Community 1.0

EDLD 5305: Disruptive Innovation in Technology


EDLD 5303: Applying Educational Technology: ePortfolio


I’m about to complete my very first semester of Grad School and as challenging as it was, I have to say that it was the best decision I ever made! The first two courses that I took were 5303 and 5305, as stated above. I am so thankful these two courses were paired together because it allowed me to greatly focus on the components of my innovation plan, although, when I needed a break from intensive learning, I’d jump on my ePortfolio and have a little fun, learning and creating. The components of the innovation plan were really intense, but being able to collaborate with Veronica Balli and Erika Pena, with whom I actually work in the same school with, helped tremendously.

Collaborations and Connections of 5303 and 5305

In EDLD 5305, Disruptive Innovation in Technology, the foundation of the course centers around our Innovation Plan. Within the innovation plan we were asked to take a look at our current organization and find an opportunity to fix something. We created an Innovation Proposal to share with our principal and potentially our colleagues. It was at this

point that Dr. Harapnuik suggested Veronica Balli, Erika Peña, and I collaborate and work on the rest of our innovation plan together. This was the best decision we could have made because we truly found out that three heads are better than one. Each one of us brought something different to the table because we each have our own strength, so working together really meshed well. We all took on leadership roles at different stages of our assignments and would collaborate in person (on our campus or the library), through video chat on Microsoft Teams, or via text message daily.

Our first task to complete together was to write a Literature Review. This was to serve as the research and evidence behind our proposal. The most challenging part was not being able to add our two cents in it and keep our heart and opinions to ourselves, but we pulled through and were successful. I provided feedback to my core group on how to cite correctly, after reteaching myself how to do it through Our next assignment was to create an Implementation Outline that served as a timeline for our Innovation Plan. This is when things started to feel real for me. I remember thinking, “Wow! We can really do this. We’re doing this!” While working through the Literature Review and the Implementation Outline, we started to work on the Annotated Bibliography since we came across sources that we wanted to read at a later date. We also added a few of the books we’ll be reading throughout the ADL Program that we found on the ADL Program Map on Dr. Harapnuik’s website. This week, our main focus was creating the Call to Action Video. We hope to pull at our principal’s heartstrings, especially because one of the actors in the video is her daughter.

For 5305, I attended all but one of the Live Zoom sessions, however I watched the recording of the one I missed. Attending the sessions helped me get to know Dr. H and my classmates, especially listening to what they had to say during the breakout sessions. I watched all of the videos and read a majority of the readings and supporting resources that were posted in our modules and discussions. I also read the required book, Blended: Using disruptive innovation to improve schools, and contributed to all of the discussions on the discussion boards. All of my assignments were turned in on time and revisions were made after receiving feedback from Dr. Harapnuik and reflecting on my learning.

In EDLD 5303, Applying Educational Technology: ePortfolio, our focus was creating our very own ePortfolio. We had to make sure that one of the pages was created for our Innovation Plan. I created it right away so that I could attach links to each component of my Innovation Plan as I turned them in. Dr. Sue gave us a choice in which site builder to use, so I looked at a lot of ePortfolios and chose the WIX site builder to create mine and had a lot of fun doing so. I spent hours each week improving it with the help of my core collaborative group alongside my GroupMe group, which consisted of seventeen classmates. Everyone had such useful tips to share. I even helped my core group with the navigation part of their site since I really got the hang of it and knew how important it was to have an ePortfolio that was easily navigable.

I attended all Live Zoom sessions for 5303, while also contributing to all of the discussion boards. I wrote blogs to reflect on my learning via my ePortfolio, including my 5303 Reflection post. I love that I’ll be able to continue to add content on my ePortfolio throughout the course of the ADL Program.

Thinking Back and Moving Forward

Reflecting on the past eight weeks and knowing my expectations, I want to be more prepared for the Spring semester. I will do this by reading the required books before classes begin and I will also look into the course examples on Dr. Harapnuik’s website to get an idea of what will be required of me. Having the readings done will allow me to focus on the assignments more vigorously. I really learned a lot from my learning community this semester, so I will make sure to continue collaborating with my GroupMe group, especially Veronica and Erika. I’m excited for the road ahead, especially seeing how my next classes will help contribute to my innovation plan and ePortfolio.


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