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  • Writer's pictureIleana Reyna

That's a Wrap! 5303 Reflection

I began my Graduate School journey 8 weeks ago and thinking back to when I started, I've come a long way. I remember attending Dr. Sue's Live Zoom class and just breathing a sigh of relief. I knew it was going to be a lot of work in creating my ePortfolio, but I also knew I was going to have fun doing it.

Like I mentioned in my Contribution to Learning 1.0 post, I was given the choice in which site builder I wanted to use. I chose Wix simply because I liked how pretty other sites that used Wix looked. I began playing with it and began getting frustrated with the things it was not letting me do...until I learned to do them. Playing and creating for hours on end gave me the ability to create what I have now, but I know that may still change...even before I complete this post.

Choosing the color scheme was a revolving door for me. When I first started, I knew I wanted to have a beach vibe, so I placed images and videos here and there, but I could never get my colors right...up until a few hours ago. I finally figured out how to change the colors on the palette. I now feel like it all matches. Well, for now.

One of the things I became successful at was navigation. I knew this was important because Dr. Sue mentioned it quite a few times. I became so comfortable with it that I was able to teach the two members of my core collaborative group how to make their site more navigable. I thought I knew it all when Erika, my group member, showed me how to make a back button to where I wanted a visitor to go. This was super helpful for the flow of my site.

Even though I feel successful with the navigation of my site, I still want to continue working on it because I keep finding something new I can add. Every time I go through my site, I am still finding places where I can add a button to navigate to another part of my site.

In addition to creating my ePortfolio, I read the COVA eBook by Dwayne Harapnuik,

Tilisa Thibodeaux, and Cynthia Cummings. I loved how while creating my ePortfolio, I felt like I was given COVA through that. I was given the choice of which site builder I wanted to use, including theme, colors, and organization. I have ownership of my ePortfolio because it is MY learning that is embedded on all of the pages. I used my voice when writing my blogs and section descriptions plus, creating and evaluating my ePortfolio is an authentic learning opportunity. It all fits very well together and I love that COVA will be implemented throughout the entire ADL Program.

Throughout this course, I have learned how to create a digital space where I can post all of my learning and look forward to implementing COVA in my own classroom. It excites me that I have a new tool in my toolbox that I'll be comfortable teaching students and even colleagues how to use.


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