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  • Writer's pictureIleana Reyna

Work it Baby, Work it! Own it!

Who owns my ePortfolio? Well, me! But in order for me to call an ePortfolio mine, I must make meaningful connections to what I'm learning and not just use it because I "have to" complete assignments. My reflections must be made off of MY ideas and MY learning.

In Do I Own my Domain if you Grade it?, I could just hear Dr. Harapnuik in my ear saying, "I am not your audience!" I get it now, Dr. H! This helped me tremendously when I was writing my innovation proposal and in other assignments as well. It helped me use MY voice in my writing rather than write what they want me to write.

In The Web we Need to Give Students, I love what it said about the domain and content being ours to keep, even after graduation. This is MY education and MY intellectual development. Thinking back to when I graduated with a bachelor's degree, I ask myself, "What did I learn?". The answer is that I have no idea. I don't have anything to show for it, which is sad. There were several assignments I did that would have been a great addition to an ePortfolio had I known about it.

The CSLE video by Dr. Harapnuik reminded me that as frustrating as it first was, I am learning how to learn. Our professors, or guides, are giving us COVA in everything we are doing...ON PURPOSE! Now, I want to teach it forward to my colleagues and my students because I want them to learn how to learn, too.

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Nov 08, 2021


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